Adventure Awaits
918.409.0593 Email: [email protected]
Badac Adventure Co104 S. 109th E Pl Tulsa, OK 74128
Use one of the forms below to start building your trailer and we will get in touch with you to discuss next steps!
Upon receiving your quote request form you will receive a E-mail confirming the details.
Quotes honored for 30 days.
Many vehicles may have a higher towing capacity if the trailer is equipped with brakes. These are optional, but can help to give you control of the trailer when stopping, slowing down, and help to reduce the strain on the tow vehicle's braking system when towing a trailer. 7-Pin Connector and reverse light on trailer included. The tow vehicle will need a trailer brake controller installed by your mechanic in order to utilize the brakes.
We offer many different color options for your Badac trailer and can even do custom colors if needed.
After clicking submit we will send you a quote of your personalized GH-7 and you can start dreaming of adventure.
After clicking submit we will send you a quote of your personalized GH-7 and schedule your time to chat with us more about the details.
After clicking submit we will send you a quote of your personalized GH-7 and call you to reserve your spot in the build queue.
After clicking submit we will send you a quote of your personalized SS-7 and you can start dreaming of adventure.
After clicking submit we will send you a quote of your personalized SS-7 and schedule your time to chat with us more about the details.
After clicking submit we will send you a quote of your personalized SS-7 and call you to reserve your spot in the build queue.